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Safeguarding and Early Help

Child Protection is everyone's business, even when out in the community. If you believe that any child is in danger ring Call Starting Point which is the focal point for Social Care support on 01629 533190 choosing the option for urgent child protection or contact the police. Alternatively you can also contact the NSPCC via 0808 800 5000.

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Our culture encourages children to talk about their feelings and emotions as part of equipping them with the skills needed to keep them safe. Tansley Primary School fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support pupils in school. All adults who work in the school receive regular child protection training. The aim of the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy is to safeguard and promote our pupils' welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate. The pupils' welfare is of paramount importance.  

Parents should be aware that the school is required to take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. When a school refers a concern about a pupil, it is not accusing the parents of wrong doing but requesting that further investigation takes place to establish whether a child is at risk. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, the Headteacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead is obliged to follow the Child Protection Procedures established by the Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board and inform the Social Care of the concern. 

Copies of the Child Protection Policy can be found on the school policy page.

Keeping Our Children Safe

If you are worried or concerned about yourself or someone you know please talk to Mrs Barker, the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Mrs Holloway the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.  You will be asked to write down what your concerns are, what you have seen or what you have heard. It is also important to remember that it is not your responsibility to investigate suspected cases of abuse, only to report them to a Designated Safeguarding Lead for the school.  

Worried about the actions/behaviour of an adult?

It may be that whilst visiting this school you observe a member of staff or adult working with children and you may be concerned about their interaction with children.  You may over-hear something or observe something which makes you feel uncomfortable.  It is important that you report these concerns to the Headteacher as soon as possible, but ultimately before you leave the school site.  

If your concerns are about the Headteacher, please contact the Chair of Governors, Judith Holt at

Tansley Primary School follows Safer Recruitment practices when employing members of staff.  All staff and regular volunteers have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check and all staff and governors receive regular update training on Safeguarding.

What support is available for families during school holidays? 

If a family wishes to contact school regarding a safeguarding issue during a holiday, they should email This email will be monitored throughout the year including during the holidays. This email is for non emergencies only. For emergencies, please consider contacting the following services identified below: 

CALL DERBYSHIRE (for if you have immediate concerns about the safety and wellbeing of a child). 
Tel. 01629 533190

Emergency- dial 999
Non emergency- dial 101

Emergency- dial 999
Non emergency- dial 101

In the curriculum

Within the context of our PSHE lessons, in addition to visits and visitors, the curriculum places the children’s safety at the heart of everything we do. Our curriculum ensures that children know how to keep themselves safe and who they can talk to.  

If you have any questions about Safeguarding in school the please contact the School Office.

Early Help

From time to time, we all go through situations which are difficult to cope with. Children and their families may experience a range of needs at different times in their lives. All children and young people require access to high quality universal services but some also benefit from targeted support to address additional needs which relate to education, health, social welfare, or other issues.  At these times, we need help and advice  and the Early Help Offer gives parents a framework for asking for support. An assessment form may be completed, or signposting given, to provide parents and families with services who can help. This may be behaviour support, parenting advice, bereavement counselling, health advice, or for specific medical issues. The list is not finite.

It is important to us to provide a high quality Early Help Offer. Our main aim is that outcomes for children and their families will be improved by ensuring that all children  are able to be healthy, safe, valued and achieve their full potential. Tansley Primary School work with the Family Support Team based at Highfields School to provide our early help. Our offer meets local need through integrated and streamlined working practices and delivers cost effective, sustainable services.