Welcome back after the Easter holidays. We hope you have had a good rest and didn't get rained on too much!
Please keep an eye out for updates throughout the term on ParentHub.
Scroll down to the leaves at the bottom of the page and select "Summer" to find out about our current classroom work and homework.
Our Topic is:
Reading in Elders Class
Children are expected to read a minimum of 4 times a week and encouraged to read both independently and to an adult in order to check comprehension. Please record all reading in the purple reading diary. Children will be able to change their own reading books at their own discretion once completing a book. Please can children bring their reading book and diary to school each day.
Spelling tests are weekly on a Thursday. Please can children ensure they practise the year 3/4 and 4/5 Common Exception Words in the Homework Section of the Elders Webpage. A guide to accessing Spelling Shed is also in this section to support home learning.
Children will be having their P.E. lesson on a Tuesday afternoon. The will need to come to school in their P.E kit on Wednesday. P.E kit is trainers, black shorts or joggers (depending on the weather) and a red or white T-shirt (no football shirts). Children should bring a red or black jumper if needed (no hoodies please due to safety). Jewellery will need to be removed for health and safety reasons, so it is better if removed at home if possible. If not, it must be covered by medical tape by the child before coming to school.
Times Tables
Times Tables will be tested on Fridays. This may be on paper format or on TTRockstars. Please ensure your child practises using their TTRockstars login 3 x a week.
If there are any other questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact both of us at:
rlamb@tansley.derbyshire.sch.uk - Mrs. Lamb
lhampson@tansley.derbyshire.sch.uk - Miss. Hampson