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Home Learning

Home and Blended Learning Homepage

From September 2020, the Government expect all children to be full time education.  During these uncertain times, as a school we believe it's important to provide every child at Tansley Primary School with consistency when it comes to their education.  As you are aware, Public Health England, on behalf of the Government may at some point ask schools to close.  This would be an attempt to limit the spread of COVID-19.  If such a decision is made, this will always be at the direction of Public Health and not a decision which is made in isolation by our school. Therefore, this is a temporary section of our school website which will be used for the duration of the Coronavirus Pandemic if home learning needs to be reinstated.  

Although we as a staff team hope this won't be necessary, in preparation for the possibility of having to support your children's learning remotely, it is important that you have signed up for and have checked you can access, purple mash, letter join and reading eggs.  We are presently working in partnership with an external provider to establish a home learning platform.  Details will follow as soon as this is established.  Until then if your child requires feedback on the work they have completed, they can upload their work onto their purple mash account or you can email your child's class teacher.  They will aim to respond as quickly as possible.  If they are teaching, this may take a couple of days, please be patient.    

As the home learning platform becomes established teachers will set work remotely via the platform.  

Your main source of communication will be from your child's class teacher, therefore if you cannot access any of the websites, you must contact your child's class teacher.  

If your child is off school due to illness, we will presume that they are unable to complete work form home.  When they make a full recovery, they will return to school and resume their learning as usual.

There may be times when your child is off school due to Coronavirus and they're fit and well.  An example of this would be a family member in the household is awaiting a COVID test and the rest of the household is isolating.  In these circumstances, the school would expect your child to continue with the education.  In order to provide every child with this opportunity, we are presently directing parents/carers to the Oak National Academy website.  

If you require any support accessing these resources, the please don't hesitate to get in touch with us by telephone 01629 582 448 or email your class teacher.

Oaks -

Elms - or

Sycamores -

Elders -
