We believe that primary school children need, above all, time outside school to pursue their own interests, play and rest. They don’t benefit from being pressurised by excessive amounts of work each night and each weekend which they see as a stressful chore of little benefit. At the same time, learning at home is an essential part of good education. Regular homework is important, since it gives pupils the opportunity to practice at home tasks done in the class, and helps the pupils work towards improving important skills. It also helps children to become confident and independent in their learning, which will help throughout their time at school, and in adult life.
Setting work at home:
- gives the opportunity for additional practice in reading, writing, maths and other vital skills such as the ability to research information
- extends children's interests
- is an additional tool to challenge and develop children's thinking and to help them achieve more of their potential, whatever their ability
- promotes learning as an enjoying and fulfilling activity, wherever it takes place
- ensures that primary school leavers at Year 6 have had some experience of completing work at home and so will be better prepared for the challenges of secondary school education.
Class pages have copies of the homework tasks set for the half term by the class teachers. Examples of a homework grid of activities can be found below.
Please click below for a link to the policies page, for the Home School Learning Policy.