Pupil Voice
Tansley Primary School Council
The aim of our school council is to promote citizenship and to give the children a voice within our school.
Decisions made within School Council can, and do, have a real impact on the rest of the school. They take whole school issues and ideas from their own class councils and feed them into the School Council. They also share ideas and decisions from School Council with their class. Mrs. Holloway supports the children to run the school council meetings.
The children are elected for particular roles to the School Council by their peers during hustings week, whereby the children must compose a speech and make pledges to rest of the school. Once elected, our School Council meets once a week.
Our Tansley School Council 2022-2023
School Leader:
Is always a member of Year 6, who demonstrates leadership qualities, is a superb role model and has the best interests of the pupils at heart. They help lead the meetings along with Mrs. Holloway and have extra responsibilities like collecting the all important healthy snack points to see who is awarded the Tansley Tomato.
The E-safety Leader will support and promote safety when online. Support others with ICT issues and assist with ensuring the laptops are stored correctly and computers are logged off.
Charity Leaders.
will choose the charities which we will be supporting over the academic year and suggest ideas of how to raise money.
The Well being and Health Leader:
will take part in health and safety walks around the school and will encourage positive play times and promote well being.
The Learning leader:
will be involved in the development of our Curriculum, they will feedback pupils' views about the new curriculum to the class teachers and inform future planning.
The Environment Leader:
will work to encourage the school to be more Eco friendly.
What Tansley School Council been up to this month....
Sept '22' Children put themselves forward to be considered for roles on the school council. After an exhilerating hustings, where numerous children did a fantastic job of their speeches to the whole school, the new members of the school council 2022-23 were elected by the pupils in a secret ballot. Well done and thankyou to everyone who took part, and congratulations to the elected councilors! We had our first meetings where we set some priorities and actions for the year ahead.
The School Council have been working hard on a number of projects, with the new Buddy Bench area, The Food Bank collection, The Compost and paper bins. We are excited about our new projects that include Litter picking around Tansley and promoting Healthy Eating in school.
Projects 2020-2021
Elms Class took part in the National Litter Pick on 8th June 2021. They went to the school fete field and around the school fields.
School House Teams
We have decided as a School Council to have House teams. The School Council has voted for four House Teams. These are: Hardwick (Green), Bolsover (Yellow), Blue John (Blue) and Riber (Red). The shields have been designed by pupils in the school, as part of a competition. These are the winning shields for each house team.
Check out our School Council display. It now has a suggestion box plus a British Values interactive display. Children can write on flags how they show a British Value at our school. Don't forget to look at our work in progress chart to show you our actions and targets for this term.