Progession Documents
Maths Progression Documents
The progression documents below show how Mathematics is developed across the school year in each year group through mathematical topic blocks (Place value, addition, measure and so on). It also shows how knowledge, understanding and skills progress within maths in the same area as children move through each year group (e.g. fractions from Y1 - 6).
Due to the mixed-age classes at Tansley, most pupils will follow the mixed-age progression map for their class group, whereas Year Six, being taught in a single year, will follow the original progression map and follow Year Six. Although the content in terms of progression is is exactly the same, we feel that clarification is needed as not to confuse staff, parents governors or visitors to these pages as to what areas of mathematics children are covering and when.
If you require any futher explanation please refer to your child's class teacher, or speak to the Maths lead - Mrs Holloway.